Hey folks! Just a quick blurb as to what I’m working on currently…
Into the Green: this will be a solo piano (mostly) album focusing on original pieces (similar to At My Father’s Cabin) where we recorded the tracks in the forest of central Idaho. It was recorded on a Yamaha CP88 (with the ”Hamburg” (cough…Steinway) preset – love me my CP88!).
We captured the CP88 cleanly (straight into Logic Pro X on the Macbook Pro laptop via MIDI and Audio) *and* we also captured what the forest ”heard” (using a Zoom H4N Pro sitting in the forest and piping the CP88 through some Yamaha HS80M studio monitor speakers sitting on the forest floor). There will be two ”long-play” versions of the album (the entire album in one clip) up on SoundCloud: version *with* what-the-forest-heard, and version *without* what-the-forest-heard.
Should be way cool!
Oh…and we got three camera angles (two GoPro Hero 8’s and an iPhone 13 roving about by my wife). We’ll upload video to YouTube when done.
The CP88 was tuned to 432Hz in an attempt to resonate cleanly on a multiple of the earth’s natural frequencies.
Before we recorded Into the Green, we knocked out two songs that hopefully will be uploaded soon:
1. Londonderry Aire (Danny Boy) – this was mainly used as a test of what we were doing as well as to show off the CP88.
2. Cabin Medley – this was a medley of short versions of tunes from At My Father’s Cabin and a tune from At My Father’s House. This was used to bridge the gap between my recordings of long ago and what we’re doing today.
Everything was recorded on Thursday, 10/6/2020, right before sunset. Kind of cool that we knocked it all out in one day. Keep in mind that it took us 5 separate weekends of trials before we got everything right. Never mind the months/years of writing, planning, practicing, re-arranging, etc. It was indeed a labor of love. It was labor…but it was also love. Hope you enjoy it all!
Oh: there will also be a ”the making of Into the Green” video where Kevin talks about how it all went down (he even gets choked up a little because he’s an old man now with decreasing testosterone…a must listen for all of you who know him or remember him from the past).